

Moon Studios Leda's Earthcannon Leda's Earthcannon Sessions Other Bits

The Jupiter Sheep

were formed in 1988 as a leaderless artistic collective that recorded three albums and a number of solo songs, and made two videos. The band played live regularly in Northern California, and rehearsed several times a week at the Sheephouse, 4249 H Street in Sacramento.


The band house featured a tree house with an unreasonably long rope ladder, and a team of giant and ruthless hounds who would always fall asleep in the exact middle of the band room.



Steve Randall -- Guitar

Missy Io -- Keys

Sky Harbor -- Guitar

Natalie Europa -- Vocals

Byron Callisto -- Vocals

Thomas Barnes -- Drums

Max Wyvern -- Bass

Pete Clemente -- Sound

Steve Green -- Management

Jennifer Paige Ward -- Vocals

The Videos

were shot on 16mm film, directed by Jennifer Hinkey, shot by Michael Harrison, and featured a host of local talent from the CSUS Theater Department. They were scripted by Byron Callisto and financed by the entirety of his student loans for a semester. Gil Morrison and Janine Russo starred as the Flame People.

The Albums

The Black Album

Leda's Earthcannon

Choose Your World

Top 20 Tracks

themed object
Primary Tagline




Radio Sol

Directed by Jennifer Hinkey. Camera by Michael Harrison. Lighting

by Eric the Genius. Paint People: Janine Russo & Gil Morrison.

Makeup: Wayne Spellman. Gaffer: Kevin Trowbridge.

Crew: Kearny Brooks, Mark Todd Sloane, Doug Thurman, Mark Zetterbaum.




Beat Park

Directed by Jennifer Hinkey. Camera by Michael Harrison. Lighting

by Eric the Genius. Puppetry and Creatures by Richard Bay.

Creatures: Kearny Brooks, Mark Todd Sloane, Doug Thurman.




Coming in 2019: Jupiter Sheep


Various You Tube Stuff






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